Next-level intelligence for your procurement

The XVA Platform is a specialized AI data platform that powers all of Xeeva’s solutions. Built on the digitized domain knowledge of 70 spend categories, the system can recommend the next best action – or take action itself – to automate manual procurement processes.

The platform embeds patented, next-level intelligence into every aspect of the procurement process, helping you leverage data in new ways and reduce your spend.

What makes up the XVA Platform?


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The XVA Platform at a glance

0M+ Item reference records
0 AI patents
$0B+ Spend data processed
0+ Spend categories

Built on the domain knowledge of experts

The XVA Platform encapsulates the know-how of indirect spend veterans in its specialized AI, guiding you to maximize your spend efficiency.

By combining this digitized domain knowledge with enterprise spend data, the XVA Platform acts as an in-house guide across dozens of indirect spend categories, making it easier for you to navigate staff rotations, new hires, or constrained teams.

Let’s discuss how our AI-powered solution can help you optimize your entire procurement process

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