1. New Data Insights
Several new insights were added to Xeeva Spend Analytics, including:
- Item Quality
This insight displays the quality of the item data that was received from a customer’s ERP, AP, and other internal systems that track indirect spend data. This insight also shows which items were cleansed by the XVA Platform, Xeeva’s rule-based AI engine.
- Item Enrichment
This insight compares the quality of the item description that exists in a customer’s internal systems that was received by Xeeva and displays how the item description was enriched by the XVA Platform.
- Supplier Family
This insight displays the supplier data that was deduped and grouped into families vs. the suppliers that were not grouped into a family. This insight is key when evaluating the supplier concentration within an organization.
- Supplier Categorization
This insight shows the comparison of the suppliers categorized vs. uncategorized.
2. New User Roles
This release includes an enhancement that manages the location(s) data a user is permitted to see based on what is authorized to be visible. When creating a user, the administrator will specify one or more location(s) a user should be associated with. Once the user is associated with a location, upon login the user will only see the data associated with that location(s).
- “Corporate” (CXO) Role: A user that is not associated with any specific location will be able to see the data for all locations and all dashboard pages. Such a user is known as a “corporate” user.
- “Buyer” Role: A user that is associated with a specific location(s) is limited to see the data only for the specified location(s). Such a user is known as a “buyer”.
A buyer can be associated with one or more locations. Upon login, the data displayed to the user is limited to the assigned locations.
3. New & Updated Filter Bar
To accommodate additional filters and improve the overall usability associated with the filters supported by Spend Analytics, the design of the filter bar has been updated. The header section on any given dashboard page now includes a filter icon.
In addition, new filters have been added which allow a user to search for data at a more granular level. These additional filters include:
- Region
- Sub-Category
- Item Number
- Item Description
- Business Unit
- Buyer (available on the buyer dashboard page)
4. New Download Page/View in PDF Format
A user can now download the entire page or a specific view(s) in PDF format. On the header section of every page, the user will see a PDF icon which allows the user to download the page as a PDF.
5. New Refresh Date and Version Information
The profile section of the application now displays the data refresh date as well as the application version number. This information indicates the date your company’s data was last refreshed in the application.
6. Updates to Existing Insights
- “PO Spend Actuals” Name Change
On the spend dashboard, the insight formerly known as “PO Spend Actuals” has been updated to better reflect the data visualized on the chart. The insight is now named as “Actual Spend”.
- Change in Price Variance
On the item dashboard, the price variance trend insight now displays the price increase and price decrease (instead of the net change) for greater usability.
- Item Detail View
On the item dashboard, the chart labeled “Item Detail View” was enhanced to improve usability. The changes include the ability to expand and collapse the “Location Name” and “Supplier Family” columns to see additional data.
7. Updated Unified Login Page
Spend Analytics now supports unified login. If a customer subscribes to multiple Xeeva products, then their user will be able to use the same credentials to login to Spend Analytics as they might be using to login to Xeeva’s Procure-to-Pay application. Upon login, the user will see a product selection page, where they will be able to select an application to navigate to.
8. Updated Product Selection Page
The product selection page displays all the products that the customer/user is eligible to see. A customer may be subscribed to a single Xeeva product or multiple Xeeva products. Depending on the subscription and user’s access, the corresponding products will display on this page.
In addition, this page is now consistent with Xeeva’s branding across all product lines.
9. Update to Industry Benchmark Insight Section
On the homepage, in order to better accommodate Targeted Insights, Data Insights, and Industry Benchmark Insights, the “Industry Benchmark Insights” section is now displayed in an accordion view. By default, this section is collapsed from view. As desired, the user can expand and collapse this section to view or hide these benchmark insights by clicking on the + / – icon.